Monday, November 16, 2009

God Emperor

If I was to be made god emperor, things I would change:

The United States federal government would be returned to doing just those things that the constitution specified i.e.

1) Provide for common defense of the borders.
2) Provide for a forum where states could settle disputes.
3) Maintain free trade between the states.
4) Ensure that the rights laid out in the Bill of Rights are not being abridged.

All other things that the feds are doing are proscribed. We have let them take more and more power, and happily. The gov't was never supposed to provide us with safety or security but freedom. The saying is not "Give me safety or give me death!" it is liberty. Think about that for a second. Liberty is more important than life. We should be allowed to do things that are dangerous, even life threatening. It is our choice.

Case in point: Helmet laws, seatbelt laws, &etc. Why is it that I am not allowed to risk my life by not wanting to wear a helmet? Why does the federal government get to dictate that I must wear a seatbelt to go to the corner grocery store? Am I not allowed to drink until brain cells are no longer functional? Can I not smoke until my lungs are charcoal? (well, maybe not for long if the nanny state has its way) If I want to jump from a plane with a parachute, can I not do so? If I want to buy scuba gear, get a tank filled and jump into a lake, I can. I don't think you need to provide proof that I have the ability to purchase scuba gear. I may be wrong, but I would be willing to bet a quick search online and I could buy gear.

Usually when I ask about helmet/seatbelt laws, somebody will inevitably say "Well, it is because the taxpayer must pay to keep them alive blah blah blah and that is why the government can say you must wear a helmet/seatbelt". My answer is always WHY? If you(I, they) want to ride(drive) without a helmet(seatbelt) and they get into an accident, then why do the taxpayer or hospital have to pay a dime to keep them alive? If they have insurance, and they choose to pay for a no seatbelt/helmet clause, then fine, otherwise, let them be an organ donor. It should not be the government's decision, period.

My next post, I'll explore some other troubling aspects of nanny state nonsense.


Why can't we get paid for donating our organs?
Why do we do so much to keep stupid people from hurting (killing) themselves?
Why do we treat our pets more humanely than our terminally ill?

ps: Just a little thought, but notice we are not running out of people, we can create more! Let the terminally stupid do the things that will cause them to off themselves, you can't legislate stupidity.